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New Year Goals for 2021

I am not one for resolutions, but I do like to set goals for myself. So here are my goals for spiritual, personal, school, and hobbies that I have set for myself this year. Also, happy new year. And I hope 2021 brings you joy, peace, and the happiest of times.

Spiritual Goals:

- Read my bible every day

- Find a bible verse every day and write it on a sticky note

- Do my own bible study for myself

- Pray every day

- Serve more

Personal Goals:

- Workout every weekday

- Take days for myself to rejuvenate

- Get organized both at home and in my dorm

- Start a daily journal

- Budget my money more

School Goals:

- Limit procrastination

- Focus on classes more

- Get more involved in clubs and organizations on campus

- Get in a good weekly routine and stick to it

- Continue to meet people and get to know them

Hobby Goals:

- Take more time to read, paint, etc.

- Schedule photography days

- Read books other than fiction

- Focus on the things that make me the happiest

- Write more topics over things that sparks me

I am beyond blessed with who I am and what I have become in my 18 years. I want to grow more and change for the better. So I thought that this would be nice to do and to look back on when I need a reminder of what is most important to me.

Anyways, happy new year! Thank you for all the love an

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