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First Semester: Highs and Lows

Well, that's a wrap on my first semester of college. Thats kind of crazy to think about. I am done with my first semester of college (finally, LOL). I had a lot of great memories from this semester, but I also had some lows that helped me learn and grow as a person and friend. Now, I know most people start with the highs and go to the lows, but I am different. I am starting with the lows and going to the highs for the positive ending.

So for many college students this semester, COVID put a lot of regulations on pretty much everything. COVID put a damper in many activities and fun things that happen on campus and even in my personal life. COVID unfortunately put me in quarantine which was a time that I would much rather of not experienced. I had to miss many things, but in the end I do not feel regretful for the experience. Although, COVID put many guidelines on the college life I had plenty of fun and still met many many friends. The ability to say that I lived in a pandemic is honestly got me speechless, which I normally am never. Throughout this semester, I have lost many friends over stupid fights, arguments, or decisions made. And had experiences that I never thought I would experience in a few years. I had to be an adult (gross) and make big girl decisions. (adulting is super hard if anyone was curious.) I figured out how to handle situations that my parents have told me about doing for years. I would never had thought that many of these lows of this semester would have taught me so much, but they have which I will forever be grateful for. And in the end, all of the lows only made my highs more enjoyable and better.

The highs of my journey through my first semester include meeting some of my best friends, learning how to adult some more, joining a sorority, and getting out of my comfort zone. For one, I met some of the best people I will ever have in this crazy thing we call life. They truly are my best friends. They have each helped me through so much this past semester (especially trying not to drop out, just kidding, kind of). They truly are my family when I am away from family. I have learned the importance of doing adult things...unfortunately I had to grow up just a little. I had to make the big girl decisions that my parents had spent 18 years of teaching me. I had develop those adult skills that adults talk about like budgeting, grocery shopping, and time management between school, social, and everything else. I did something that I would never had even thought about doing...joining a sorority. It has been the best decision I have made. I have met so many new people through this amazing house of girls including my big sister and my twin. I can not wait for more experiences and friendships made through my sorority. I have even gotten out of my comfort zone. I mean moving away from college is wayyy out of my comfort zone but hey look at me now. One semester down, too many to count to go. I have been able to get out of my comfort zone by learning to live for myself and not others. Choosing to choose my happiness, health, and aspects of my life before choosing others.

Now as you can see there are way more highs then lows as it should be, but this post is not just to say that I had a great time in my first semester of college, which I did. This post is to say that life is filled with the highs and lows. As an 18 year old girl, I never once thought that life could be so hard sometimes, but it is. Adulting is hard. Life is hard. But, the good things that come out of life are what counts. Not that we are living in a pandemic, not that we all have to make hard decisions everyday, and not those negative feelings, experiences and thoughts that everyone goes through. The highs are what makes life fun, worth living, and all in all amazing. I know that this year has not what anyone ever expected. I know that there are still some doubts about everything going on in the world. But in the end, the sun will rise to start a new bright and beautiful day. Take it step by step, day by day, and week by week. There is so many beautiful things surrounding you that make this life filled with highs. Look for those things to brighten your day just a little more. Look for the people that make you feel happy and feel good on the inside. Look for the things that make your soul catch of fire with passion. Don't worry about the things that are unseen. If this semester as taught me anything, it is to love yourself, love one another dearly, and live like there is no tomorrow.

Thanks for reading! Stay positive! If you need anything, please contact me! Much love, Harls:)

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