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First Month in College

Friday of last week marks one full month of being at OSU...there has been many highs and some lows. Life has been hectic with, ya know, the whole moving to college and starting college thing. Moving into college a process with packing, loading cars, and driving three hours to the destination. Move in day was fun and chaotic and nice. I got to move into a new place which meant a fresh start in a new spot. A new beginning. A new chapter. A new beginning. The biggest downfall to move in day was having to say goodbye to my family and just jumping right into Camp Cowboy right after they drove off.

Camp cowboy is one of the camps that is for freshman to get to know the campus, learn the traditions, and meet other freshman who are going through the same thoughts, feelings, and anxieties. The Camp Cowboy experience was definitely one of my favorite experiences while being on campus. I met some amazing people, who I now talk to most everyday and I also know will have my back no matter what. This camp put me out of my comfort zone and showed me that being myself is one of the most important lessons to learn. I will cherish every moment during this camp, including the four hour nap I took on the Sunday afterwards.

The first full week of me living on campus was just a week of exploration and understanding of the campus. I went to some of the events that the Student Government put on for the freshman and other students on campus. I also met some really fun, Jesus loving individuals. My best friend, Emily, and I hung out a lot this week. We would be lost without each other. She and I went to Church on Campus which started the first week of classes off on the right foot. (Even though I was super nervous) There were many uncertainties going into classes. Uncertainties like walking into the wrong class or tripping up the stairs in front of everyone. First day jitters, ya know. The classes themselves are pretty fun and not too bad of classes for my first semester in college. There are a lot of regulations due to COVID, but after the first week or two everyone seemed to get used to them pretty well. Okay okay, enough about the boring stuff. Lets talk about some of the more fun stuff that I have been doing. I was recruited to join Alpha Xi Delta. It has been really fun and a great experience. I am blessed that I am apart of a sisterhood that wants to do better in this world and wants to show the love of Jesus. The amount of love and care from all the girls has been so amazing. I am loving every minute of it. As Emily would say, Alpha Xi is the place to be.

After the first week, I kind of got into the swing of things for the weeks to follow. I got to class everyday. Do my homework. Spend time with the girls, Emily and Kadee. And just do sorority events and things. It keeps me pretty busy. I have made some amazing memories and had some great experiences in this month that I have been at my home away from home. I have had to make some hard decisions to do what is right for me. I have continued to keep a strong relationship with God. The past month has been filled with some uncertainties, but also filled with smiles, laughter, and good friends. There is importance in being positive and having faith in the uncertainties. God is the one who is in control. From going from a small town, to living in a little bit bigger town with a huge campus without my family is a big change. It has been one of the best changes I could've ever imagined though. The stresses, anxieties, and uncertainties are just a season in my life. Just like the seasons in everyone else's lives. They are temporary. You just have to remember to have a little faith and remember that God is the one in control. And that is one of the biggest lessons that this month has taught me. You have to just have a little faith and trust in God, because He knows everything and will always be there no matter what.

Hope you have a blessed day! Feel free to ask questions, say comments, or contact me!!

Much love, Harls!

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