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A Letter to my Younger Self

The definition of self reflection is meditation of ones character, actions, and motives. The importance of self reflection allows someone to look back on past mistakes and think more in depth of how that has made them who they are today. This blog post is a letter to my younger self and the part of me that doesn't look like how I look today.

Dear younger Harley,

I hope all is well, but I know it is because well you made it to 2021. Not easily might I add, we went through the trials and tribulations that momma, nick, daddy, and daryl have always told you about. There have been many lost friendships and gained ones. You have been through trials within yourself when it comes to confidence and self love. But, in the end, you made it through all of the trials while learning so much. I know that there are probably some things that you are overthinking, worrying, or putting all of your energy into while losing the energy to take care of yourself, but put it down and give it to God. You don't need to carry that with you and worry about the things that you can't control. Remember, that the ability to say that you have grown is a blessing. It isn't a bad thing that you are continuously changing and growing, that is what life is. It is hard and not always the happiest, but you have to do it. You cannot just go around it or try and avoid it you got to just go straight through it. The quote "Life is tough darling but so are you." is true. You have to hold your head up and keep going in the hardest time. I know your strength and so does everyone else.

Here are some more things that I want you to remember and not forget. You are beautiful inside and out. No matter what guy, girl, or social media tells you. You are you and everyone else is taken. Momma always says that. You are you, because God made you who you are today. You are also loved and good enough. You don't need anyone else for you to know your self worth. God made you the way you are and loves you for you.

Not everyone will like you. And you don't need everyone to like you. You deserve the best for you. The fake friends and people will be there and walk in and out of your life. But, it is not the end of the world when they leave even if it may hurt like hell. You can and will get through this. Not everyone will like your silliness, or how much you love and care for people, or the way you look, but the important thing is that you know that is who you are and you do not need to change for anyone who doesn't like you. If they are the true friends that are supposed to be in your life, they won't ask you or need you to change for them, they should love you for you.

There are so many things in this world that school will never prepare you enough for the adulting that happens. But, always remember that you have people (your family) and God that loves you and cares and will always have your back. Adulting is not easy, but it is capable no matter how much you want to just say I want to lay in bed and not do it today. You can't. Get up. Make your bed. And move forward. You will never get anywhere with just sitting in one place. God made this life capable for you. He put you, one of the strongest people I know, so that you can be able to learn and grow into the beautiful women He wants you to be.

You can't control what others do, think, and/or feel in situations and in life. You can't fix everyone or everything either, even though I know you want to. They have to do it themselves. And not everyone or everything needs, wants, or is capable of fixing. Some people and things are supposed to happen in your path that you cannot control. Just remember that.

Always keep your family close. Even in college and away from them, they are the back bone in adulting. You would never be anywhere without your family. They are amazing and love you more than you will ever understand.

Now, I know this is a lot. But, just remember your self love is the most important thing. You can't love anyone else without loving yourself first. You are so beautiful, smart, and good enough. I love you even here.

To everyone reading this, these are things that I think everyone needs to hear. So when you read this letter, replace my name with yours and read it to yourself. You are important, worthy, and loved in this world. You deserve the best no matter what. Remember this life is tough, but so are you. Much love, Harls <3

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