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Some Random Facts & Things about Me :)

The basics...

  • Name: Harley Ramsey

  • Nickname: Harls

  • Birthday: July 30, 2002

  • College: Oklahoma State University

  • Major: Agricultural Communications

  • Favorite Colors: Yellow, Grey, & Purple

  • Favorite Animal: Goat

  • Favorite Scent of Candle: Vanilla

  • Favorite Movie: Stepbrothers

  • Favorite Novel: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

  • Favorite Flower: Sunflower

Some fun questions...

Would I rather watch: action, romance, fantasy, or horror?

  • Definitely either action or fantasy

Am I an introvert or extrovert?

  • I think I am more introverted than extrovert but its like a half and half situation.

Do I prefer country or city living?

  • Country living for sure.

What type of music am I into?

  • I mainly am into country music.

The last thing I read?

  • The last thing I read was Panic by Lauren Oliver.

Which meal is my favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

  • How about breakfast for dinner?

What's the phone app I use the most?

  • Snapchat or tiktok

If I could have an exotic animal as a pet, which would it be?

  • A sloth

Now to the more personal questions...

Who is my hero?

  • My hero is my dad, Nick. He has shown me what it means to be dedicated and a hardworker. He has also taught me how to always do what is best for me and to always do the right thing no matter how hard it may be. I will continue to strive to be the best person that I can be, because I have the best example of that right here.

What song would you sing at Karaoke night? And why?

  • My song choice would be All I Want for Christmas is You. Just because its fun to sing and having fun is the most important.

What is my favorite bible verse and why?

  • My favorite bible verse is "For I can do everything through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. The reason this is my favorite verse is because it has helped me through so so much in my life. Not only physically but also mentally.

Do I believe that I should do one thing a day that scares me?

  • I believe that getting out of my comfort zone is one of the things that helps me grow more than anything else.

If I had unlimited money to start my own business, what would it be?

  • I think that my business would probably be a professional photography studio or a big ranch with lots of farm animals. Those are two of my biggest passions in life.

A genie gives me three wishes - what are they?

  • One would be to have a dog that's all mine with the money to take care of him or her.

  • Two would be to have my tuition for the next few years of my college life.

  • Three would probably to get more cameras and lenses and editing software to help make my passions happen faster.

What are 5 adjectives that describe me?

  • The 5 adjectives to describe me are funny, beautiful, hardworking, passionate, and intelligent.

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