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That's A Wrap!

Well, a bittersweet moment as arrived. Freshman year is ending now to say I am not excited would be a lie, but it is sad to think that it is over. I have gone through so much in the past 9ish months.

From the beginning of this chapter in my life, I moved three hours away from my family, friends, and home. I moved into my dorm room and had to say goodbye to my parents and brothers, but right after I got done my weekend started out busy. I went straight to Camp Cowboy, which in my opinion was just the start of getting out of my comfort zone. I met some amazing people that I still talk to now. After Camp Cowboy, the students had a week before classes started so I went to several events on campus and met some more great individuals. When classes started, of course, I had those first day jitters, but all in all, they were just like any other classes. Going forward into the first semester, I joined an amazing sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, where I have made some of my best friends and gained a real home away from home. I gained a big and twin. Had some fun going to events put on by the sorority. I was even able to apply and interview for positions in the chapter. Although COVID-19 put a damper on things that would've been fun to do without masks, social distancing, or with the regulation, but the ability to say that I have gone through a pandemic my freshman year is crazy. Especially in my first semester, there have been amazing things that have happened.

Now lets get into the second semester. It started out with you know going to classes and figuring out what worked best for me to get my responsibilities done, have a social life, and be by myself to rejuvenate. This was not always easy, to you know take care of myself and not other people, but also adulting is hard sometimes. Then started out with the busy semester, not only with classes, but also with sorority events and snowmageddon that hit Texas and Oklahoma super hard. Also from the chapter positions, I am one of the photography chairs and the website and blog chair. It was beautiful (from the inside). Classes were put completely online. Lots of people did not have power for days at a time. And lots and lots of (real) snow. I got to hangout with lots of sorority sisters and get closer to many of them. Had some trips to visit my dad, stepmom, and stepbrother. Got to do several photoshoots with some sorority sisters, friends, and family. I got to go to my first parents day at my college and sorority house with my lovely parents which was amazing with lots of laughs, love and of course food. I went to my first sorority formal with my best friends. I got to witness my baby cousin turn 1 and take the pictures at his birthday party and hang out with my family. I also got to go through my first Greek Discovery Day at my college and got even closer with some of my sisters. And now we are here, at the end. I have finished all my finals and almost moved out of my dorm (honestly kind of excited and kind of sad at the same time).

Freshman year has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. But, in the end, this year will be one that I will never forget. I have gained so many great people in my life and I do not know what I would do without them. I would not be here without my parents and my brothers. They have supported me through everything especially when I needed a hug, laugh, joke, or to just vent. They also kept me going and reassured me that this year is not a representation of who I am has a human and student. This year was hard. I went to college for the first time in a global pandemic, so I would say that that is an accomplishment in itself. Overall, I would not want to redo this year at all. God put me through this for a reason and He was there with every step of the way and will stay with me.

Thank you to all my family, friends, and supporters for helping me through freshman year!! Much love!!! -Harls (Also sorry this one was so long, but a lot can happen in 9 months.)

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