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What I have learned in the first two months of 2021 :)

  • That self love can only come from yourself and that you can’t love anyone else when you don’t love yourself. My mom has always told me this, but in the past few months I have realized how important it is to love yourself so that way you can love the people around you.

  • Self care isn’t just physical it’s mental and emotional. You have to take care of yourself to be able to take care of the people around you.

  • You can love your people but that doesn’t mean that you have to help and fix when things are wrong.

  • Some things are just out of your control. Leave it be. It is what it is.

  • That time management is one of the most important skills when it comes to anything. (especially in college)

  • Having fun can wait when you have things that are more important.

  • The feelings that others feel about a situation or how they respond are out of your control. You can only control what you are feeling and how you respond to the situation.

  • Not everyone will like you, and that’s okay. You aren’t meant to be friends with everyone. You can only be you and that’s it.

  • To not let others bring you or your worth down.

  • That I am beautiful inside and out and everyone else is too. But there is only one you and that is your super power in this world. God only made one me so why be anyone else.

  • Always be kind, no matter what. Sprinkle kindness around like confetti.

  • God is the one in control. Don’t let the little things bother you when you have the king of all kings right there with you.

  • Live life to the fullest. You are in the present so live there. Don’t worry about what could’ve, would’ve, or should’ve been. And don’t be so persistent on focusing on the future. You only get one life so live it to the fullest it can be.

  • And lastly, it is also okay to say “ya know what, it’s time to live, love, and be me no matter what” because in the end, living for yourself and god are the most important things in life.

These are just some of those lessons that I wanted to share with you. Always remember that no matter what you are in the middle of whether good or bad or in the middle, there are going to be important lessons to learn from those experiences. I am blessed to have so many supporter that have helped me learn these lessons. Anyways, I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this short list. Much love, Harls!

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